
- Brothahood Of Kings Presentations -

There Is No Black Male Crisis

Contrary to mainstream media, black men are actually thriving in all segments of the world today. It is obvious there are several challenges black men have to deal with, like police brutality, high incarceration rates, and racism, yet despite these challenges, black men continue to blaze new trails in all segments of society. In this presentation Coach Michael Taylor challenges the notion there is a black male crisis and provides reasons for optimism about the future for black men.


Coach Michael Taylor

Coach Michael Taylor is an entrepreneur, author of 12 books, motivational speaker, and certified life coach who has committed his life to empowering black men to change their mindsets about themselves so they can embrace the possibility of creating the life of their dreams.

Symbols and Spells, The Power of Words

In this video, Symbols & Spells, we explore three ways that our words and language can cast spells on how we communicate with ourselves and others, express ourselves, and relate to others. This explores how language can shape our thoughts and beliefs, as well as how the words we choose can impact our relationships and the way we are perceived by others. By becoming more aware of the spells our words and language can cast, we can use them to empower ourselves, strengthen our relationships, and work towards a better future for all of us.

Paul Newell

The Power Of Positive Networks

Contrary to mainstream media, black men are actually thriving in all segments of the world today. It is obvious there are several challenges black men have to deal with, like police brutality, high incarceration rates, and racism, yet despite these challenges, black men continue to blaze new trails in all segments of society. In this presentation Coach Michael Taylor challenges the notion there is a black male crisis and provides reasons for optimism about the future for black men.


Jermaine Johnson

(Entrepreneur, Author, speaker, transformation coach)

The Highly Sensitive Black Man – Sensitivity As Your Superpower

Contrary to popular opinion, high sensitivity, also known by its scientific name, sensory processing sensitivity (SPS), is a genetic temperamental trait that causes one to experience life, both inside and out, with greater intensity. Simply put, to be a highly sensitive person, or HSP, means that one has a finely tuned nervous system. Dr. Elaine Aron, a world-renowned psychologist and the leading researcher of HSP's, compiles over twenty years of psychological research on the trait in her book, "The Highly Sensitive Person - How to Thrive in a World that Overwhelms You".

In this presentation, Bro. Reimoku dispels the most commonly held myths about high sensitivity and argues that it can be a man's greatest superpower if cultivated correctly. In fact, it is by awakening our repressed sensitivity that we bring much needed healing to ourselves and the world. Drawing from this book as an essential resource, Bro. Reimoku offers tips, tools, and strategies from his own experience as a highly sensitive Black man in order to thrive in an often overwhelming world.

The Joy and Challenges Of Fatherhood

Being a great father isn't genetic. It is a learned behavior. Therefore, any man can learn to become a great father if he is willing to put forth the effort. In this video Wayne Dawson talks about the joys and challenges of being a great father and shares insights and strategies for men to become great dads.


Wayne Dawson

(Certified life coach, TV host, transformation specialist)

Harness Your Creative-Sexual Energy To Turbocharge Your Life and Relationships

The sexually-emotionally-spiritual integrated man is now more important than ever given the need for consciousness raising of the masculine. This is a message that affects and is relevant for every man in his life from the boardroom to the bedroom. And given the results I have witnessed with hundreds of men over the past 22 years in my work, I look forward to sharing with you how you can harness your innate power through accessing and channeling your life force energy.

Free Gift: Sustaining Masculine Pleasure DVD Learn Practices to access and channel your creative sexual life force energy to turbocharge your life, relationships and career.


Freddy Zental Weaver

Freddy Zental Weaver has assisted thousands of couples and singles create lasting intimacy and fulfillment in their relationships through conscious breath meditation.

He is featured on Showtime’s documentary series Sexual Healing and the Emmy Award-winning NBC show Starting Over, best-selling author of ‘Sexual Enlightenment’ endorsed by world-renowned Spiritual Pioneer Dr. Michael Beckwith, and co-founder of TantraNova Institute in Chicago.

Born Driven- Optimizing Mental Health for Career Success

The mental health of black men is an issue that is often overlooked in society. There is a misconception that black men are tough and can handle anything that life throws at them, but this is far from the truth. The reality is that black men are just as vulnerable to mental health issues as anyone else, and they need to prioritize their mental health in the same way they prioritize their physical health.


Jewel Love

(CEO of Black Executive Men, business coach, success expert)

Why You Should Hire A Financial Advisor

Financial planning is an essential aspect of building a successful and fulfilling life. It can help you achieve your goals, both short and long-term, and secure your future. However, despite its importance, many Black men don't take advantage of financial planning services, including hiring a financial advisor.. By working with a financial advisor, you can get the guidance and support you need to make informed financial decisions and build a solid financial foundation for yourself and your family.


Prince Michael Brock

Overhauling The Educational System In America

Elijah is on a mission to help change the educational system in America by teaching parents how to prepare their students for college by focusing on their specific learning styles. He is the father of five amazing children, two of which were the youngest college graduates ever in the history of the state of Oklahoma. He clearly shatters the stereotype of the deadbeat dad and he shares insights on how to prepare your children to be constant learners and committed to their educations.

Real Talk, Healing Your Stress For More Success

As Black men, we often feel like the weight of the entire world is on our shoulders. You know what we mean…all the societal, family and even personal expectations to protect, to provide, to produce, to be strong, to be stoic, to help the community and give back while simultaneously avoiding any mistakes AND making the people around you proud. Whew.

Simply put, that’s a lot.

It’s also no wonder why so many Black men feel like EVERYTHING is on us.

We here you. Real strength also requires real support, and that’s why we’re here.

This session of the Brothahood of Kings Empowerment Summit is designed to help you go from simply ‘talking about’ or ‘thinking about’ self-care and stress relief….to actually pausing and practicing some simple, powerful & transformative self-care tools in the moment.

So sit back, tap in and let’s have some Real Talk about Healing Your Stress for More Success. Enjoy!


Nasir Bayan

(corporate wellness expert, leadership trainer/facilitator, licensed psychotherapist, conscious entrepreneur and speaker)


Welcome to the definitive guide for any black man who is ready to take back control of his life and create the life of his dreams.

This is your moment to do more than you ever thought possible:

Change your inner narrative and become open to new possibilities in life.

Discover authentic reasons for optimism for black men that millions are missing

Take 100% responsibility for your life turning out the way you want it to.

If you're ready, this book will serve as a guidebook to create the life you know you deserve.

The Brothahood of Kings is ready to welcome you inside and experience something that will change the rest of your life.



Coach Michael Taylor